Data Report Designer allows you to create reports. The
reports generated through Data Report Designer take data from data sources such
as Data Environment. Using Data Report Designer you can do the following:
Export report to HTML file or text file
Create report with groups and aggregates
Create a hierarchical report
Components of Data Report Designer
The following are the various parts of Data Report Designer.
DataReport object
This is like a Visual Basic form. It contains the visible
designer and code. Code is used to
control report at runtime by responding to the events generated by the data
report. Visible designer allows you to
design the layout of the report.
Sections Collection
This is a collection of section objects. A section object
represents a section of the report. You
can use section objects at runtime to reconfigure the section. At design time
each section is represented by a header, which is used to select the
Data Report Controls
Data report can contain only a set of special controls. When you are in Data Report Designer, a
different toolbox is displayed with controls that are specific to Data Report.
Note: You cannot use
Visual Basic's intrinsic controls, or any ActiveX controls, on the Data Report
Sections of the Data Report Designer
The following are the sections in Data Report Designer. Each
section contains a set of values to be displayed.
Report Header
Contains the text that appears
at the very beginning of a report, such as the report title, author name, or
database name. If you want the Report Header to be the first page in the
report, set its ForcePageBreak
property to rptPageBreakAfter.
Page Header
information that goes at the top of each printed page, such as the report's
Group Header/Footer
Contains a repeating section
of the data report. Each group header is matched with a group footer. The
header and footer pair is associated with a single Command object in the Data
Environment designer.
Contains the innermost
repeating part (the records) of the report. The detail section is associated
with the lowest-level Command object in a Data Environment hierarchy.
Page Footer
Contains the information that
goes at the bottom of each printed page, such as the page number.
Report Footer
Contains the text that appears
at the very end of the report, such as summary information, or an address or
contact name. The Report Footer appears between the last Page Header and Page
Table 21.1:
Sections of Data Report object.
Creating a Simple Report
Now, let us create a sample report to understand the steps
involved in creating a simple report. For any report that is generated using
Data Report Designer, you have a few important steps.
Add Data Report Designer to project
Establish a connection to database and create a
command using Data Environment designer.
Change DataSource
and DataMember properties of Data
Report object.
Place fields on the Data Report Designer in the
required sections.
Invoking the report using Show method.
The following steps illustrate how to create a simple report
using Data Report Designer and Data Environment.
The report displays the list of products from Products table
of Products.mdb.
Start a new project by selecting File menu and New Project
Select Data
Project in New Project dialog box.
Visual Basic creates a new project with a form, Data Environment and Data Report. As shown in figure 21.1
Invoke Data Environment Designer and select Connection
Click on right button and invoke Properties of the
Connection object.
Select Microsoft
Jet 3.51 OLE DB Provider as the provider.
Select Connection tab and select
“D:\VBBOOK\PRODUCTS.MDB” as the database. Please note that in your system the
path may be different. So choose whichever path is appropriate to your system.
Rename Connection object to cnnProducts.
Select popup menu of cnnProducts and select Add
Command to add a command object.
A Command object with the name command1 will be created.
10. Select
properties of command object and change the following properties.
Command Name comProducts
Database Object Table
Object Name Products
Figure 21.1: Data
Project's project explorer.
Placing fields on Data Report Designer
After command object is created, place the fields in the
command object on Data Report Designer. The following are the required steps to
do that:
Open Data Report Designer by double clicking on
DataReport1 in Project Explorer.
Invoke properties window using F4 when you are in
Report Designer
Change the following properties of Data Report
DataSource DataEnvironment1
DataMember comProducts
Arrange Data Report Designer and Data Environment
Designer in such a way that you can see both of them. See figure 21.2.
Drag fields from comProducts
command object into Detail section Data Report Designer.
Drag comProducts
command object from Data Environment into Detail section of Data Report
Note: In either of the above cases, the fields are placed along
with headings. If you want to turn this option off then follow these steps:
In Data Environment Designer, select Data Environment
Click on right button and select Option menu from popup menu.
Select Field
Mapping tab in Options dialog,
then uncheck Drag and Drop Field
Arranging fields in Data Report Designer
If field headings are also placed in Data Report
Designer then we have to move them to Page Header section.
If field headings are not copied then create labels in
Page Header section using RptLabel
When you are dealing with Data Report Designer you get
DataReport toolbox. RptLabel is a
control available in DataReport toolbox.
Whether you got labels (headings) automatically or you
manually added, change the caption property of each label as follows.
Product Number
Product Description
Quantity On Hand
Rate Per Unit
Product Type
Select all labels and change Font Name to Arial, Bold
to True, and Size to 10.
Change Alignment
property of all heading labels to 2-rptJustifyCenter.
Increase the Height
of all the labels to 450
units. This is done to ensure that the
heading will wrap to next line if it cannot be accommodated in one line.
Reduce the size of Detail
section to eliminate extra space below fields.
9. Change
Alignment property of QOH and RPU
fields to 1-rptJustifyRight.
10. Change
Alignment property of PRODNO and
PTYPE to 2-rptJustifyCenter.
Running the Report
To invoke report you can make either the report the startup
object or you can invoke report using Show
method of the data report object.
Making report the startup object will be easier while you
are designing report. But final reports
are always invoked either by user selecting an option in menu or by clicking on
a command button.
Let us see how to invoke report using a command button. As you have seen, when you selected Data
Project, Visual Basic has created a
Form, Data Environment, and Data Report.
So invoke Form designer and place a command button. Change the following
properties of command button.
Name cmdProductlist
Caption &Products List
And write code to invoke report in click event of the
command button.
Private Sub
End Sub
Listing 21.1:
Code to invoke data report.
Figure 21.2:
Placing fields from data environment to data report object.
Note: You can also make
DataReport the Start up object of
the project to start project with Data Report.
Run the project using F5.
When form is displayed, click on command button to invoke report.
At runtime the report should look like figure 21.3.
Figure 21.3: Data
Report at runtime.
Improving Appearance of the report
The report shown in figure 21.3 is O.K but not good. We can
modify the report to make it more readable. Also observe, it wastes a lot of
space at the top and on the left. So let
us see how to modify the report.
Invoke Properties window from Data Report Designer and
select properties for DataReport1.
Change the following properties.
Left Margin 100
Right Margin 100
Top Margin 100
Bottom Margin 100
Place a line control at the bottom of the headings to
separate heading from details.
Change BorderStyle
property to 1- vbFixedSingle.
Adding Report Title and
Report Footer
A report can contain a title, which is printed at the top of
the report and a report footer, which is printed at the bottom of the report.
To add report title
and report footer sections to Data Report Designer:
Click right button of mouse on Data Report Designer.
Check Show
Report Header/Footer option on popup menu.
Data Report Designer adds two more sections – Report Header and Report Footer.
To add a title to the
Select Report Header section and place a label control
in it.
Change the Caption
of the label to “Products List”
Change Font related properties to increase the size of
the title.
To add current date
and page number:
Select Report
Header section and click on right button.
From popup menu select Insert controls -> Current Date(long format)
A label is placed with Caption property set to %D (which
stands for date long format).
Place a label on the left of it and change it’s Caption property to “Date:”
Click right button on the data report again and
select Insert Controls -> Current Page Number.
Another label is placed
with caption %p (which means current page number). You can also select Total
Number of Pages; which means a label with caption %P (capital P).
Place a label on the left and change caption to “Page:”
Change Font Bold
setting of “Date:” and “Page:” labels to True.
Arrange all labels and fields in a neat format and then run
the report (click on Products List command button). Your report should look
like the one shown in figure 21.4.
Figure 21.4: Data
Report after formatting.
Exporting Report
A report generated using Data Report can be exported to
either HTML document or any text file.
Once you export report to HTML file, the report can be viewed in any
browser (such as Internet Explorer) that supports HTML.
The following procedure shows how to export a report to HTML
Run the report that we have created by clicking on Products List button.
When report is run, click on Export button at the top of the report in toolbar.
Select the type of file to which you want to export the
report using Save as type drop-down
list box.(figure 21.5)
Enter report
as the name of the file into which report is to be exported.
Click on Save
This completes the process of exporting the report. Now a
file with the name “report.html” is created.
Figure 21.5:
Export dialog box used to export report.
Displaying report using Internet Explorer
Take the following steps to display the HTML file created
using Export dialog in Internet Explorer.
Invoke Internet
Select File
-> Open and select the report.html
form the directory where you saved it. Use browse button to invoke Open dialog
box, if required.
After selecting filename click on OK button.
Internet Explorer displays the report that was exported
to the file, report.html. Figure 21.6 shows report loaded into Internet
Figure 21.6 :
Exported data report in Internet Explorer.
Creating a Master-Detail report
We have seen how to generate a simple report in the previous
section. Now let us create a slightly complex report that contains the
following additional feature:
Getting data from more than one table
Grouping data
Displaying aggregates
The report that we are going to create is a Sales report. It
displays the details of the product at the top followed by details of the sales
for that product. We take data from products
table for product number and product description and details of sales from Sales table.
The following are the major steps involved in creating this
report. These changes are to be made to existing Data Environment and Data Report.
Creating comSales
(based on SALES table) child command object of comProducts object in Data Environment.
Adding sum of amount (qtysold * rpu) to comSales
command object.
Creating a
data report and arrange data in data report
Adding child object
Let us add a child object to comProducts command object of
Data Environment. In this case, comSales (child object) and comProducts (parent
object) are joined using common field – PRODNO.
The following are the
steps to create child object:
Select comProducts
command object and click on right button.
Select Add Child
Command from popup menu. A child
command object is added.
Invoke child command object’s properties and change
name to comSales.
Select SQL Statement
radio button in Source of data group
and enter the query shown in figure 21.7.
Select Relation tab.
Select PRODNO the field to be used from parent and child object to be used and
click on Add button to establish
relationship between comProducts and comSales based on prodno.
Click on OK
button to dismiss properties dialog of child object.
Invoke properties of comProducts and select Aggregates tab.
Click on Add
button to add an aggregate.
An aggregate is added. Change the settings of aggregate as show
in figure 21.8.
We have completed the process of creating a child command
object that takes the details of sales. Now let us concentrate on creating
report using data report.
Figure 21.7: Properties
of comSales object.
Designing report using Data Report Designer
We have to add a new Data Report object to current project
and take data from comProducts and comSales command objects. The steps involved
in handling report data is as follows.
1. Add
a new data report to project using Project
-> Add Data Report option
Change the following properties of Data Report.
Name drSales
DataSource DataEnvironment1
DataMember comProducts
Click on right button on Data Report and select Retrieve Structure from popup menu.
Tile Data Environment Designer and Data Report Designer
vertically and drag fields into sections as follows.
5. Arrange
field headings in comProducts_header section.
Figure 21.8:
Creating aggregates using Aggregates tab.
Formatting RPU, AMOUNT and ProdSales
As fields rpu, amount and prodsales display amount they are to be formatted. We will include currency symbol ( Rs.),
thousands separator, and two decimal places.
To format RPU field:
Select RPUfield in Data Report Designer.
Invoke properties window and select Data Format property.
When Property Page for Data Format is displayed
(figure21.9) change properties as shown in figure 21.9.
Repeat the process for AMOUNT (EXPR1004), and ProdSales.
Change headings for fields as shown in figure 21.10.
Change Alignment
property of all heading to 2-rptJustifyCenter.
Add three lines, above and below product details and
one above total (see figure 21.10).
Change margins of the drSales according to the

Figure 21.9:
Formatting number using Format property page.
9. After
all changes are made, add one more command button to form and change the
following properties of the command button.
Name cmdsalesreport
Caption &Sales
10. And write
the following code for click event. If user clicks on this button, the report
shown in figure 21.10 is displayed.
Private Sub
drSales.Show vbModal
End Sub

Figure 21.10: Master-detail report at runtime.
Events of Data Report object
The following are the events of the data report object.
Like the standard Visual Basic form, the life of a Data
Report designer is marked by certain key events. Those events and the order in
which they occur are shown in the following table:
Occurs after the query has
completed and controls are sited on the form.
Occurs when the designer is
first displayed or when the window state of the data report object changes.
Occurs when the designer
becomes the active window.
Occurs approximately once
every second until all processing has ended. Use this event to determine if
processing has taken too long, and to cancel the processing.
Note: This event will not occur until the query has completed.
See below.
Occurs when the designer is no
longer the active window. Use this event to determine if the user has clicked
another form or designer.
Occurs before the designer is
terminated. Set the Cancel
argument to True to cancel termination. The CloseMode argument returns the type of action that is causing the
Occurs when number of
references to the designer is set to 0.
Table 21.3:
Events of Data Report object.
Methods of Data Report object
The following are the specific methods of the DataReport
Exports the text of a report
to a file using a specified ExportFormat
object. If total data required is
not supplied then Export dialog box is displayed. (figure 21.5).
At run time, prints the data
report created with the Data Report designer. You can specify which pages are
to be printed by giving page range.
Refreshes the report.
Table 21.4: Methods
of Data Report object.
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