Errors that occur in your program are of three types. They
are syntax errors, runtime errors and logical errors. Syntax
errors are errors that occur because of improperly written statements. Main
causes for syntax errors are incorrectly typed words, unmatched if statements
etc. Among all, syntax errors are the easiest to detect and rectify. Logical
errors are errors in the logic of the program. That means the entire program
runs, but it doesn’t produce the results that are required. Logical errors are very difficult to detect
and remove. Sometimes days may be passed but the errors may not be detected. So
logical errors could cause nightmares. The task of finding out the errors
becomes difficult proportionate to the size of the program.
Runtime errors are the errors that occur during the
execution of the program and cause program to be terminated abruptly. A few
examples of runtime errors are Division
by Zero, File not found and Disk not ready. A good program should
not be terminated abruptly. So we have
to take control when a runtime error occurs and handle the errors (recover from
the error).
How To Handle Runtime Errors
To handle runtime errors we have to use On Error statement. On Error
statement sends control to the given label whenever a runtime error occurs in
any of the statements given after On
Error and before the end of the block (procedure or function).
The following are the various formats available for On Error
On Error GoTo line
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
We will discuss about last two syntaxes later. First let us
concentrate on first syntax. Line is
either the line number or a label that is given before the line. Whenever an
error occurs in the code that is after On Error, control goes to the given
Let us assume we want to open a file. We take filename from
user using an InputBox. If file is
not opened Visual Basic, by default displays a runtime error and terminates the
program. To prevent it now we want to handle runtime error that might occur
during Open statement as follows:
Private Sub
On Error GoTo errlabel
fn =
InputBox("Enter filename")
Open fn For Input As #1
' process the file
Close #1
Exit Sub
MsgBox "File not
found. Please try again"
End Sub
Listing 13.1:
Handling error that might occur because of Open statement.
In the above code, if Open
statement failed and resulted in a runtime error then that error is trapped by On Error statement and control is
passed to errlabel label. Then given
message is displayed and control comes out of procedure. If error is not
trapped then an error message is displayed by Visual Basic and program is
Exit Sub statement
is used to come out of procedure without entering into error handler. If Exit Sub is not given, though file is successfully processed, control
goes to msgbox statement and error message is displayed. To prevent control
from moving to error handler, Exit Sub statement is used.
Err Object
Err object contains information about run-time error. The
information is accessed using the properties of Err object. Err object also has two methods. The
following table provides information regarding each property and method.
Description |
Contains the error code of the
error that occurred most recently.
Contains error message.
Contains the name of the
object or application that caused the error.
Contains the most recent
system error that occurred when you call a DLL.
Clears all property setting of
Err object
Raises an error. See section
“User defined errors”.
Table 13.1: Properties
and methods of Err object.
Err object could be used to get the exact
reason for error and the source of error etc.
For an example of Err object please see
“Resume statement” later.
User Defined Errors
Whenever there is an error, Visual Basic raises runtime
error. It is also possible to raise your own errors using Raise method of Err
The syntax of Raise
method is:
Raise number, source, description, helpfile, helpcontext
Here is the meaning of each parameter.
Description |
Identifies the nature of the
error. Visual Basic errors (both Visual Basic-defined and user-defined
errors) are in the range 0–65535. The range 0–512 is reserved for system errors;
the range 513–65535 is available for user-defined errors. When setting the
Number property to your own error code in a class module, you add your error
code number to the vbObjectError constant. For example, to generate the error
number 513, assign vbObjectError + 513 to the Number property.
Name of the object or
application that generated the error. When setting this property for an
object, use the format projectname.classname.
If source is not specified, the programmatic ID of the current Visual Basic
project is used.
Describing the error. If
unspecified, the value in Number is examined. If it can be mapped to a Visual
Basic run-time error code, the string that would be returned by the Error function is used as
Description. If there is no Visual Basic error corresponding to Number, the
"Application-defined or object-defined error" message is used.
The fully qualified path to
the Help file in which help on this error can be found. If unspecified,
Visual Basic uses the fully qualified drive, path, and file name of the
Visual Basic Help file.
The context ID identifying a
topic within helpfile that provides help for the error. If omitted, the
Visual Basic Help file context ID for the error corresponding to the Number property is used, if it
To generate an error
with error number 500, enter:
‘ clear all the properties before you
raise error to clear values for ' all the properties
‘Raise error
Err.raise vbobjecterror + 500,, “Insufficient Balance”
Resume statement
Resume statement is used in error handler to resume
execution after handling error. The following are the options available with Resume statement.
Resume Next
Resume line
Resume statement
alone resumes execution with the statement that caused the error. For example
open statement failed because of missing floppy in floppy drive. Then you can
prompt user to insert floppy and reexecute the statement so that this time, the
file is successfully opened.
Resume Next
statement resumes execution with the next statement of the statement that
caused error. For example, when a particular read statement could not read the
data from a file, If you want to ignore that statement and proceed with
remaining statements, use Resume Next.
Resume Label
statement allows you to resume execution from the given label. This label could be anywhere in the same
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo errlabel
fn =
InputBox("Enter filename")
Open fn For Input As #1
' process the file
Close #1
Exit Sub
Select Case
Case 71 ' disk not ready
resp =
MsgBox("Disk is not ready. Do you want to retry?", vbYesNo)
If resp = vbYes
Resume ' execute OPEN statement
End If
Case 53 ' file not found
resp =
MsgBox("File not found. Do you want to reenter filename?", vbYesNo)
If resp = vbYes
Resume retry
End If
Case Else
Msgbox err.description
End Select
End Sub
Listing 13.2: Error
handling with resume statement.
In the above example, we have used Err object to find out
the exact problem and we have taken appropriate action. We have checked for two
specific events - Disk not ready and File not found. If Disk is not ready then
we have prompted user to specify whether he would like to retry. If user wants
to retry then he would make disk ready and click on Yes button. Then program
resumes execution with Open statement as we have used Resume statement, which
resumes execution with the statement that caused the error.
If error is ‘File not found” then we are giving user a
chance to reenter the file name. We have used Resume statement with a label to
resume execution from retry label. Retry
label is given before InputBox statement, as a result user is prompted to enter
filename again.
On Error Resume
This is one of the formats available for On Error statement.
This statement ignores errors and resumes execution as if no error has
occurred. In this, programmer is responsible for finding out whether a
statement is successful. The following
is an example where we check whether Open statement is successful.
Private Sub Command1_Click
On Error Resume Next
Open fn For Input As
If Err.Number <>
0 Then
' display error
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Listing 13.3:
Code to ignore error and continue.
On Error GoTo 0
Error trapping is automatically disabled when the procedure
finishes execution. However, you can also turn off error trapping using On Error GoTo 0 statement. Once Visual Basic executes this statement,
error trapping is disabled and default error handling will be enabled.
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